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Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Space Wolves Wulfen conversion.

As promised here is the Wulfen conversion tutorial.
Sorry for the quality of the photos, I didn't intend on putting it as a tutorial.

Step one.
Find the basis for your model.

At this point you should hopefully have a good idea of what you want to create in your head, so finding the torso to build your wulfen on should be quite easy. I wanted to try and get a look of the Space Wolf going through the change into the wulfen, charging forward tearing his armour off. For my start point I went for the Vampire count crypt ghoul torso bellow.

As you can see the arms have been cut at the shoulders and the neck flattened of for the head to sit on better.
The main reason I chose this torso was that it is small enough at the waist to fit into space marine legs (once they have been hollowed out a bit). Also the fabric on the torso will work as the shredded black carapace under the armour.

TOP TIP: It makes it so much easier to handle if you mount your piece on a pin vice

Step 2.
Build up the chest and back.
Build up the chest and back of the torso with green stuff, I find it easier at this point if you push the head into the green stuff (don't glue it just make an impression) to get an eye for where you want it to go. The head is from you get 5 different heads in a pack and are excellent quality. If your struggling at this point to sculpt the body shape you want, build it up in thin layers and smooth them together rather than putting one big clump on and pushing it where you want it to be.

Step 3.
Adding the left arm.

Next I took a Terminator power fist I converted holding a Chaos SM head, cut it down and hollowed out the gauntlet with a Dremmel to allow a Chaos Marauder horseman arm to fit inside. I drilled and pinned it to the torso leaving a gap between the arm and body so I could build out the shoulder and cover the joint with Green stuff. I also built up the Traps (back of neck/shoulder) and built the shoulder out on the other side for the space power marine armour arm. Don't worry about making this side too neat as it will be covered by the shoulder pad.

Step 4.
Black Carapace.

build out where the fabric of the original torso was with green stuff, I also added a layer of liquid green stuff to neaten things up. (you don't really need to do this as most of it will be covered in fur.)

Step 5.
Adding the right arm and fur.

For the right arm I used a Space wolves power armour arm (upper arm) and the forearm and hand is from an old GW 13th company Wulfen model. I cut the power armour arm just below the elbow pad and cut the Wulfen arm at the forearm and pinned and glued them together, covering the gap with green stuff. Then I pinned and glued them to the torso and added the shoulder pad. While this was setting I took the Dremmel and hollowed out and thinned down the chest and back armour. I recommend this is added after the arm as it is easier to place. once they are hollowed and thinned down, take your knife and split the chest piece half way down, (ensure you measure where the hand is going to be tearing at the armour before you cut) and glue it in place. I also added a belt with the knife falling out for a little extra touch. At this point also glue the head in. Once all glue, arms and Green stuff have dried (may need to be left over night) Add a layer of green stuff where you want the fur to be, making it thicker on the shoulders and thinner on the arms. For a tutorial on the fur try this I found on youtube :
This is also where you can cover and gaps around the head and shoulder pad.

Step 6.
The Legs.

Using a set of Assault Marine legs for the desired running effect, hollow out the waist so the torso will fit in. Cut out the thy section and drill and fix a paper clip in its place.

Fill out the gap with green stuff and repeat the fur effect and fix to the torso.

All that's left is to add it to the base and paint. Don't forget the rear piece of armour attached to the back pack.

Feel free to comment and send in any of your own conversions.

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